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Where We Stand

  • Health Care
    Democrats in Anne Arundel County support and defend the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. We object to Republican efforts to repeal the law and have worked with our Democratic leaders who have fought back against constant attacks from Republicans since the law's passage in 2009. ​ Anne Arundel Democrats continue to seek expanded access to healthcare for all individuals. We want an inclusive health care system where women are treated fair and children and adults are never turned away for care. We support community health centers and public transportation to these centers so that all communities can have access to doctors and other health services.
  • Reproductive Freedom
    Women deserve quality, affordable health care, and to have control over their own bodies. All people deserve access to affordable and comprehensive health care, as well as the dignity, autonomy, and economic security to make the health care decisions that are best for them. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more women and their families have insurance coverage to get the care they need. However, constant attacks on the ACA undermine the health and well-being of Americans. Instead of attacking the ACA and access to care, women and families deserve action to address the maternal mortality crisis, lower health care costs, and expand access to care, including reproductive health care. Women need access to family planning to lead fully productive lives and control their own destinies. Restrictions on reproductive care and insurance coverage of reproductive health care, including abortion, particularly harm those who already face barriers to health care including communities of color and those struggling to make ends meet. Attempts to restrict access to sex education, contraception, counseling, and abortion at home and abroad are a harmful violation of women’s freedoms.
  • The Environment
    Our Chesapeake Bay and the rivers and streams that flow into it are our responsibility. Each of us are stewards of the land and water that surround us. Anne Arundel Democrats believe we must be forever steadfast in protecting the environment from over-development, pollution, and laws that enable destructive practices in our county and in our state that would harm our environment. We support measures to restrict development and ensure builders are using the most effective measures to limit the damage they cause. We support a storm water management program to retrofit and upgrade storm water runoff locations throughout the county. We are for expanded use of solar energy and we oppose attempts by the federal government to cut funding for healthy Chesapeake Bay programs.
  • Education
    Anne Arundel County is known for our stellar school system but our schools have struggled to keep up with the times. Democrats support fair wages for teachers, guaranteed school funding, and after school programs to help our students achieve success. We want to ensure tax revenue from the Maryland Live casino is properly spent on schools and not diverted to other projects. We want more arts programs and expanded pre-k for all. Anne Arundel Democrats want to close the achievement gap between the schools in the wealthier parts of the county and those in working class parts of the county. And we demand change in our schools to stop the string of racial incidents that have plagued our county for the past several years. We support expanding access to Anne Arundel Community College so that all students can achieve success at the college level. And we support state aide for families who struggle to send their kids to college.
  • Transportation
    Anne Arundel Democrats recognize the growing needs of the county due to years of unchecked development under Republican administrations. We support measures to improve highways and secondary roads to address trouble areas and enhance traffic patterns. We support efforts to reduce the time we spend in our cars and increase time we can all spend with our families, while reducing our carbon footprint at the same time. We support expanded mass transit options and our Democratic leaders are looking for ways to improve mass transit options by shortening trip times and extending operating hours to accommodate late-night and early-morning workers.
  • Immigration
    The United States used to be the Land of Opportunity for all. We want to make it that way again. We need a process that allows people who are in search of a better life, fleeing violence, or are trying to escape poverty to join us as neighbors. Separating families is wrong. Spending endless amount of taxpayer money to seek out people who are average members of our society is wrong. Working with immigrant communities, building relationships, and fostering a healthy society where everyone is welcome to build their lives is morally right.
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